Patent US9524901144737: Communication Advances

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation, patents serve as critical instruments for protecting intellectual property. One such patent that has garnered attention in the tech community is US9524901144737. This patent, titled “Device, System, and Method for Providing Improved Communications,” presents intriguing advancements in communication technologies.

In this article, we will delve into the specifics of this patent, its significance, and its potential impact on the industry.

Background of US9524901144737

Patent US9524901144737 was filed by Qualcomm Incorporated, a leader in wireless technology and innovation. Qualcomm has been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge communication systems, and this patent is a testament to their ongoing efforts to enhance connectivity solutions.

The patent was granted on December 20, 2016, and it outlines a comprehensive framework for improving communication methods, particularly in wireless networks. As the demand for faster, more reliable, and more efficient communication grows, this patent addresses several key challenges and proposes innovative solutions.

Key Components of the Patent

1. Device and System Configuration

The core of the patent revolves around a sophisticated device and system configuration designed to optimize communication. This configuration includes:

  • Enhanced Signal Processing: The device incorporates advanced signal processing techniques to improve the quality and reliability of wireless communications. This involves filtering out noise and reducing interference, which are common issues in densely populated network environments.
  • Adaptive Modulation and Coding: The system can dynamically adjust modulation and coding schemes based on real-time network conditions. This adaptability ensures that the communication link remains robust even under varying environmental factors.
  • Multi-antenna Systems: The patent outlines the use of multiple antennas to enhance signal reception and transmission. Multi-antenna systems, also known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), are crucial for achieving higher data rates and better coverage.

2. Method for Improved Communication

The patent describes a novel method for enhancing communication, which involves:

  • Channel Estimation and Feedback: The device continuously estimates the quality of the communication channel and provides feedback to the transmitter. This feedback loop enables the system to make real-time adjustments to maintain optimal performance.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficient allocation of network resources is a key focus. The method ensures that bandwidth, power, and other resources are allocated in a way that maximizes throughput and minimizes latency.
  • Interference Management: One of the significant challenges in wireless communication is managing interference from other devices and networks. The patent proposes advanced techniques for detecting and mitigating interference, ensuring a clearer and more stable connection.

Significance of the Patent

The innovations presented in patent US9524901144737 are particularly relevant in the context of modern communication networks, including 4G LTE and the emerging 5G technology. Here are some of the key areas where this patent has a significant impact:

1. Enhanced Network Performance

By incorporating advanced signal processing and adaptive techniques, the patented technology can significantly enhance network performance. This is crucial for supporting high-bandwidth applications such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time communication.

2. Improved Reliability and Coverage

The use of multi-antenna systems and sophisticated interference management ensures that the communication link remains reliable even in challenging environments. This is particularly important for ensuring consistent coverage in urban areas with high network congestion.

3. Efficient Resource Utilization

The patent’s emphasis on efficient resource allocation helps in maximizing the use of available bandwidth and power. This leads to more efficient network operations and can potentially reduce operational costs for service providers.

4. Support for Emerging Technologies

The innovations described in the patent are not limited to current communication standards. They are also applicable to emerging technologies such as 5G and beyond. This forward-looking approach ensures that the patented technology remains relevant as the industry evolves.

Potential Applications

The advancements outlined in patent US9524901144737 have a wide range of potential applications across various sectors. Some of the notable applications include:

1. Telecommunications

The primary application of this patent is in the telecommunications industry. Mobile network operators can leverage these innovations to provide better service quality, higher data rates, and more reliable connections to their customers.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

As the IoT ecosystem continues to expand, there is a growing need for efficient and reliable communication solutions. The patented technology can be applied to IoT devices and networks to ensure seamless connectivity and efficient resource utilization.

3. Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles rely heavily on robust communication systems for navigation, control, and data exchange. The innovations described in the patent can enhance the reliability and performance of communication systems in autonomous vehicles, contributing to safer and more efficient operations.

4. Smart Cities

Smart city initiatives involve the integration of various technologies to improve urban living. Reliable communication networks are a cornerstone of smart city infrastructure. The patented technology can support the deployment of smart city applications such as traffic management, public safety, and environmental monitoring.

Challenges and Considerations

While the innovations in patent US9524901144737 offer significant benefits, there are also challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

1. Implementation Complexity

The advanced techniques described in the patent may require complex implementation and integration with existing systems. This could pose challenges for network operators and manufacturers in terms of cost and technical expertise.

2. Standardization and Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility with existing communication standards and achieving industry-wide standardization are critical for widespread adoption. Collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders are essential to address these challenges.

3. Security Concerns

As with any communication technology, security is a paramount concern. Ensuring that the patented innovations do not introduce vulnerabilities or compromise user privacy is crucial for gaining user trust and regulatory approval.


Patent US9524901144737 represents a significant advancement in the field of communication technology. By addressing key challenges such as signal quality, resource allocation, and interference management, the patented innovations have the potential to enhance network performance, reliability, and efficiency.

As the telecommunications industry continues to evolve, the contributions of patents like US9524901144737 will play a vital role in shaping the future of connectivity. Whether it’s supporting the rollout of 5G networks, enabling the growth of IoT, or powering autonomous vehicles, the innovations described in this patent are poised to make a lasting impact on the way we communicate and interact with the world around us.

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